Xvisor RISC-V talk at OSS and ELC Europe 2019 Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2020 12:03:57 +0530  |  Posted by: Anup Patel

We presented Xvisor RISC-V at OSS and ELC Europe 2019.

Title: Xvisor: Embedded Hypervisor for RISC-V

Authors: Anup Patel

Abstract: Xvisor is an open-source type-1 monolithic hypervisor. It is primarily designed and developed for embedded systems. The Xvisor project has been around for more than 8 years now and it is has a mature/stable code base. It supports ARM, RISC-V, and x86_64 architectures. In RISC-V ecosystem, Xvisor is the first open-source hypervisor ported successfully to RISC-V architecture. In this talk, we explain RISC-V hypervisor extensions, Xvisor RISC-V internals and Benefits of Xvisor RISC-V (such as memory footprint, overheads, etc).

Conference: OSS and ELC Europe 2019, Lyon, France

Links: Slides can be found here and video recording can be found here.